

what They’re Saying about

The Fit Thriving Mum Method

“I am feeling fitter and stronger than I EVER have in my adult life!”

Kylie lost 8kg & 43cm from her body… and continuing to see results

“I am feeling fit, strong, happy, sexy and closer to my vision of being a MILF than I ever have been…

My friends are starting to notice the difference. I bought size 8 jeans and

Dan (husband) said I was “looking skinny”, so there must be something noticeable going on

Since finishing the Fit Thriving Mum method I have continued to follow the core principles and I am still seeing amazing results! In the last 3 months I have lost ANOTHER 5.2kg and 2.5cm overall! I have also taken another 8sec off my fitness test time and added 15sec to my plank!

Philippa, you have given me the tools to live my best life and I am forever grateful. Thank you for this awesome program!”


It is a really great program that has made a big impact for me that I know will be long term.

I loved the “imperfect action” mindset and I found it easy to commit to doing this every day.  By the end of the program I had my exercise up to 20 minutes a day one way or another.  I like the variety of the exercise options, definitely something to suit everyone.  I learnt early on that mornings are best for me to exercise to make sure it gets done.  I am also now so much more willing to get outside with the family and we have been enjoying more family adventures.

I have learnt to nourish my body and have motivation to nourish myself as much as I nourish my family.

I joined the program to find out strategies for the long term and I have absolutely gained this.  About half way through the program I realised that the weight loss had become less important because I HAD ENERGY!  I feel like I can manage day-to-day family life a lot better and still have something left in the tank when the kids go to bed.

I have my “circuit breakers” for when my stress levels rise and I feel like I am more patient at home which is a benefit to the whole family.  As with most kids, my boys feed off me 100% so if I am calm, most of the time so are they.


I feel I now have a little Philippa in my head as all my questions I can almost answer. My journey here started with a goal of weight loss and whilst I have seen a shift on the scales, my largest shifts have been in mindset.

I am a healthy, active, fun mum. I look at the photos and see a happy, fun, active mum and choose to skip past the bits I don’t like.

I know I can have adventure back in my life and actively create plans for it. I am calmer at home and even hubby has noticed I am less ‘shouty’.

I am eating better and more mindfully and my chocolate treats are now a conscious choice (and far fewer).

I also don’t beat myself up or quit if I miss a workout – small steps and am caring more about myself and my appearance – dressing for confidence and success!

I have done workouts by the pool on holidays, taken my kids to boot camp if needed and scooted to school not caring what others think. I aim for balance and feel this approach fits in with where I am at with life now, even if the weight component takes a bit more time than in the past

Kerry Anne

I love the Fit Thriving Mum Method and would recommend it to anyone. For a long time, I didn’t feel that I had control over what I ate because I was impulsive, and then i would end up regretting it later.

FTMM helped me clarify my goals so that I was motivated and had the principles to make changes. It introduced me to factors that affect my energy and moods, such as hormones, and how to lessen their impact. There is so much information in the program and I am now going through the material again week by week, to continue the habits I already have in place, reinforce my motivation, and focus on other details I missed the first time.

I have lost weight and hope to continue losing more as I maintain this lifestyle. I am now exercising consistently, more confident and loving life because I know what my goals are and how to get there. I can see myself continuing the planning and the principles I started in Fit Thriving Mum Method for a long time.


Yes I lost centimetres and my clothes are looser, but what I’m most happy about is having set myself back on the path of better fitness habits. 

Best of all, I know how to achieve this with my busy family life.

I’m happier, significantly reduced my stress, handle things so much better, had a massive mindset shift and am so motivated to continue these new healthy habits I have established. Sweaty is my thing.

I high recommend the Fit Thriving Mum Method


I’ve recently completed the FTMM and highly recommend it to mums everywhere!

Initially, I was nervous and unsure about the idea of a fitness program for two reasons. The first being that I have never been sporty or pursued fitness. While I’ve always had an active lifestyle & enjoyed spending time outdoors this had been the extent of my physical activity and exercise was completely foreign to me. At 40yrs old I could hardly tell you the difference between a lunge and squat!

Secondly, as a free spirited, spontaneous kind of person, I disliked the idea of routine and following a strict timetable and most fitness programs require you to follow a strict diet, workouts and routine, right?

As it turns out, neither of these things were an obstacle to completing the FTMM successfully, and creating new healthy lifestyle habits, including regular exercise.

I recommended FTMM to one of my best friends, who’s completing it right now….so you know I genuinely think mums everywhere should look into this further & consider if it’s right for you!


Before I started the FTMM, I was way too busy & already too stressed to add more tasks in! So I finally stopped making excuses but I was seriously wondering how I was going to find the time and energy, as I was already running on empty, exhausted, working full time and two kids with loads of activities to sort! Stressed, but determined to have a go!

Luckily Philippa could see the signs above and took me on a huge journey following the FTMM weekly tasks, plus joining  coaching calls when UK versus Australia timings would permit. 

Over just 12 weeks Philippa showed me how to take control back of my life. My main aim was energy levels and reducing tiredness, which I achieved by following the FTMM guidance and advice. I no longer have 3:00 PM slumps! 

I have the energy to tackle each day, no matter how challenging. If something changes, such as crazy work deadlines or poorly children I don’t panic, or just stop looking after me, but I have a bank solutions so that I continue the amazing work that I have achieved so far.

At the start of this journey I was convinced I was doing everything well enough, I was just too busy and it was just down to time management, but I was wrong! 

The FTMM is more than just an exercise program, it shows you how to make small changes in your attitude, eating habits, mindfulness and overall exercise routine which has given me back my energy, priorities and more presence and happiness with my family.

This program has been the best 40th birthday present and I’ll continue to build on the great start I’ve had and I’m looking forward to an amazing UK summer with lots of energy and lots of fun with my family! Thank you Philippa


what They’re Saying

Fit Mums of cairns

I found Nurtured Fitness after having my third baby. I felt very unfit and uncoordinated during my first class, but Phillipa and Kelli made me feel at ease and I soon picked up the moves. There is lots of fun and laughter to be had during the classes. I have lost weight, gained strength, met some wonderful other mums and regained my fitness. I would recommend Nurtured Fitness to all mums who want to get fit and have fun

Rachel & Huon

I’ve been taking Nurtured Fitness online classes since social distancing started in NSW, and I absolutely love them. I love that I can be running around like crazy at home or school drop off but still be ready for an online class right up to the minute it starts – I don’t need to worry about rushing in late and disturbing the class! And I can be hanging out washing up to the moment class starts- online classes really fit into my day well. The biggest plus is the quality and energy of the instructors – and it’s so nice to have a chat before and after the class. They really know their stuff in all ways of fitness but most importantly during post-partum. You really have to find specifically qualified instructors if you have had a baby and I know I’m in safe hands with Nurtured Fitness. In fact since doing Philippa and her team’s classes consistently 3 times a week (I do BAM, Pilates and Mum Zone) I can honestly say I have not had any flare ups of my sciatica. I feel strong in my core and hips, and my abdominal separation is back to how I remember it before babies. My favourite class is Mum Zone – I love the challenge but I also love that Philippa presents options for every exercise so I can take it easier if I need to but still get an amazing workout. I’m in love the the strong feeling I get after completing Mum Zone!

Nicole - Mum to Jack & Max

I’m normally more of a kickboxer but postnatally it’s not the best form of exercise…

HOWEVER, Philippa and Kelli keep you moving (and sweating) with loads of laughter and tons of positive energy!

I have two left feet and I’m completely unco but I love my BAM sessions with my mini weight jacket

Diane & Emmanuel

My saving grace = Nurtured Fitness!

If you’re worried about your child not settling or needing a feed mid workout (like I was!) then Nurtured Fitness is the home for you!

I can’t recommend a more safe/caring/non judgemental place to get back into fitness as a new mum.

I was down and out desperately wanting to ease back into fitness but also didn’t want to leave my daughter to go to the gym. I attempted a couple of home workouts during cat naps and failed miserably.

Since joining Nurtured Fitness I’ve experienced more clarity, a huge improvement in mental health, a tighter bum (yay) and most of all happiness to be able to workout with my daughter.

The instructors consistently check my carrier and adjust it to fit better which means a more comfortable baby. The lovely Kelli even pointed out a function on my carrier for more neck support for bubba that I hadn’t noticed!

Fiona & Lulu

I have just started my third term at Nurtured fitness after a friend encouraged me to join her for a free trial class when my third baby, Hazel was 4 months old.
I’ve always worn my babies but had never done an exercise class wearing them before. I wasn’t sure how I’d go, as I like to make the most of my workouts, and didn’t know if I could while wearing Hazel, but straight away I was hooked. I love the floor work just as much as the baby wearing part, my legs are always a little jelly (in a good way) at the end of a class and that snuggly little weight vest that grows as your strength does is a great bonus to your workout. Plus, the instructors are amazing and classes are inside in the aircon which beats being outside in the rain and humidity!
I’ve not only gained strength from these classes, but also friends, and I can’t imagine our days without a bit of nurtured fitness fun

Aillie & daughter Hazel

I love the ability to be able to come and exercise without the feeling of any “mum guilt” about leaving them at a creche or at home. It’s good to be able to do two things at once. Master R loves coming along and having a bit of an exercise himself.
It’s useful to encourage that active lifestyle for children as well so they can see what mum does and see how strong mummy can be.
It’s good to be able to come along and they can participate without fear of any judgementor anything like that.
With MUM ZONE it’s good to get a workout to that higher intensity that you miss so much!

Amanda & her boys

The classes really enjoyable. It’s definitely not a form of exercise I would normally have chosen, but I found that I’ve really enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would. It’s easy with kids, the instructors make it fun and I actually feel it working which is always a bonus! I would recommend BAM to all new mums because it is a very welcoming and friendly environment and sometimes you really need that as a new mum, especially if you’re trying to get back out there and do exercise, it’s very supportive.

Coral & son Zephyr

I thoroughly enjoy the BAM and Nurtured Fitness class as I can get fit with my bub and bonus when he sleeps after the class. The class is fun and interactive which makes sense as we have a fun energetic instructor

Nichol & son

Tamara: “I loved it! I don’t think I’ve worked out this hard since before I was pregnant! I’m feeling the burn…”

Morgan: “Burn is definitely an understatement! I wish I found this before when I was pregnant, reckon that would’ve so good!…”

Tamara: “Definitely! I loved it! I’ll be back! I think it’s a good place to meet other mums as well and it’s just fun!! It’s not too strict or anything, and it’s just really good.”

Morgan: “Plus they don’t care if you’re unco, and that’s also great!”

Besties Tamara & Morgan

I’ve just rejoined Nurtured Fitness with the arrival of my 4th son Alexander who is 3months and we both love it. It’s a great bonding experience as well as getting fit. The instructors Phillipa and Kelli are great and it’s a good place to meet other mums.
I also did classes whilst pregnant with Alexander.
Their programs are tailored for each stage of motherhood and their knowledge and experience is really good. I highly recommend giving Nurtured Fitness a try…you’ll be hooked!

Liz & Son Alexander

What is nurtured fitness to me …
It is a group of women who have, had or are experiencing the same things as me, good and bad, physically and emotionally .. it is a place where I can be myself with my children and exercise! And dance .. and laugh .. and have fun!
With my first baby I feel like Nurtured Fitness helped me to become more confident with wearing my baby for all activities and connect with a network of women I would otherwise not have met. It also helped me feel good about exercising and gave me confidence doing so.
Second baby and it’s like no time has passed at all, I love it and would fully recommend any new mum to come and try it out! Xx

Bell & son Jarrah

I LOVE our classes at Nurtured Fitness! It’s such a fun way to incorporate exercise into our busy week! I found it an extremely welcoming environment which is one particular aspect I really appreciated as a new mum! I love that I was given heaps of information prior to the first class and a little rundown of what we were going to be doing as it was my first activity as a Mumma! The classes are so much fun, and although my coordination has gone out the window, I am still able to enjoy and laugh it off in this class.
I would definitely recommend attending a class each week to new and expecting mummas as it’s such a great way to meet other parents and create some new friendships! (In fact it only took me one class to refer some of my friends) I have already had so much fun and I am so thankful to have found Nurtured Fitness!

Megan & Avanah

I was so nervous for my first class, not knowing anyone, not knowing how Leo would react, not knowing if I had made the right choice in signing up. I had not done any kind of exercise at all since Leo was born, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to keep up.
But as soon as I walked in, I felt a warm and welcoming feeling in the air. Everyone was so friendly, the babies all so cute, and a super lovely instructor. And yes, my baby did start screaming mid-class. But it wasn’t a big deal! Everyone is very understanding. I can’t wait for next week If anyone is thinking of signing up, don’t hesitate!!

Samara & son Leo

I absolutely loved my first class! Found it another perfect way to spend intimate time with my baby. I was expecting to have a baby that was going to love every minute of it, however there were some tears and a lot of puke at the beginning. As soon as I had her in the carrier though she fell asleep for the rest of the class. So by the time the class finished I had a refreshed baby who had just had a cat nap and a happy mum that had just had a workout.
I would definitely recommend this class to any mums wanting to get fit and have bonding time with bubs

Gina & daughter Bella

I had always felt intimidated going to fitness classes, but when I went to my first Nurtured Fitness class when I was pregnant, I felt so at ease and came right back after having Noah. Despite the chaos that babies can bring, Nurtured Fitness creates a supportive and encouraging space where you never feel self-conscious.

Since the classes have moved online I’ve found myself enjoying them even more because I have something to structure my day around, can be more flexible with what Noah is doing (can leave him sleeping instead of the early wake up and rush to class!), and come away feeling energized without having to go outside in the Cairns heat!!

I HIGHLY recommend Nurtured Fitness to new Mum’s because it’s a great way to get back into exercising whilst being surrounded by lovely women who will support you along the way

Zoe & son Noah


Each week I really look forward to my hour with Philippa and Kelli, and my mind and body thank me for it.

I laugh at how uncoordinated I am and I have no idea of how to keep to the beat but that doesn’t matter!

The ladies are very welcoming and it doesn’t matter if your super fit or struggle to get off the couch, there is a level and class for everyone.

But the best bit about Nurtured Fitness is you can have fun and exercise with your baby and / or toddler. A great experience to bond with your little one while they doze in your arms.

Brigid & Baby Abbey

I have been doing Philippa’s classes for the past 2 years now; starting with Kangatraining and then continuing on with her Mother & Toddler Circuit classes. I am fitter now than I ever have been before, at 40 + years old and post 3 kids. Philippa not only provides fun and professional classes, but she is one of those rare individuals that makes a big impact on your own lifestyle – her positivity is contagious; her ongoing encouragement to new mums attending her classes on being kind to yourself and having fun at the same time is the encouragement all mums need; and her enthusiasm is unstoppable. The classes have also been a wonderful opportunity to meet other like-minded, lovely mums in a friendly, non-competitive environment. Thank you Philippa for having such a positive impact in both mine and toddler Mitchell’s lives – I cannot recommend Nurtured Fitness enough!

Tracey & Son Mitchell

I am absolutely loving my time with Philippa & Kelli and all the beautiful mummies at Nurtured fitness! I put off for ages getting back into exercise after having my little man but the classes are incredible. My main man Beau loves playing with all the other kiddos in the Mum zone class or climbing on top of me when we get our plank on  so I always feel Ive had a full workout & he gets to have the best time. But my absolutely favourite class is BAM when I can strap Beau onto my back and I get to boogie on down! Getting to dance with all the lovely mummies and bubs is by far my favourite part of my week, even on the days Beau’s in daycare I still get to come along and shimmy and shake! The smiles last all day long so thank you so much 

Kerry & Beau

When I decided to have a baby, I knew that there would be a lot of changes in my life: Physical, mental, emotional, social.

As a first time mum, I was going through the BIGGEST change my life would ever have. I started doing the evening class with Nurtured Fitness when I was pregnant, because most of the fitness activities I did pre-pregnancy were not suitable for a growing belly!
After my little girl arrived I couldn’t wait to start post-pregnancy exercises with Nurtured Fitness. Each exercise is considerate of what our bodies are going through, and I can feel myself getting stronger each week, with my little one at my side.

I love the time I spend with the Nurtured Fitness team, and with other mums and bubs in the class. Not only is it a great workout for my body, but my little girl learns about movement and social interaction, and the support and information shared by others mums is so valuable. Every class I go to strengthens my body, feeds my mind and hugs my soul. This is my tribe 🙂

Shannon & daughter Alita

I first started Nurtured Fitness with my son Quinn after a friend recommended it. I absolutely LOVED it! I’m now back for round two with my daughter Clara. I’ve always tried to keep reasonably fit and that didn’t change after becoming a mum. Nurtured Fitness classes gives me a great workout each week that also focuses on my pelvic floor and safe core exercises. My kids are with me and always welcomed and celebrated by the instructors and other mums. I leave each week feeling happy and energised. It also started my baby wearing journey which I love and has helped me so much especially now having two kids. I encourage all new mums I know to come along a give it a try, it’s my favourite activity of the week!

Sigourney & Quinn, Clara n Koby

It took me 3.5 years after having my son to work up the guts to return to fitness, but the moment I walked in the door at Nurtured Fitness, I was made to feel so comfortable – I only wish I’d joined earlier! Philippa and Kelli are such lovely, fun trainers. I love that everything can be scaled for all fitness levels, so I’ve never felt like being a complete beginner is an issue. All the woman who attend are so supportive and encouraging, and my little boy loves hanging out with the other children, or hopping up in the carrier for a dance. Couldn’t ask for more!

Simone & Byron

I would absolutely recommend Nurtured Fitness to all mums! I love the community of strong and beautiful mummas that NF brings and how welcomed I always feel walking in the door. Coaches Philippa and Kelli bring so much energy to the classes and are amazing at keeping you motivated by always creating new fun ideas/targets to aim for each week. Also holding and entertaining our babies when they are getting grizzly through the class so we can keep going with the work out is so amazing!

Mel & Lani

First time experience BAM and I left with a big smile on my face!!! Chilled vibe, really supportive instructors and great music to dance along to. I felt really happy dancing and grooving along in an environment that was safe for my 10 months old. Can’t wait for a term of dance and laughter!

Margot & daughter Evie

Philippa and her team at Nurtured fitness are amazing, so motivating and inspiring. They make it so easy for mums to get fit with their babies and it’s so much fun too! The classes cater for everyone I especially like to boogie in BAM and work hard in mum zone. The NF team of strong mummas are a friendly and supportive group, if you’re looking for fun fitness classes to enjoy with your bubba NF is definitely for you!

Louise & Brooke

The instructors be a breath of fresh air. You end up having a smile on your face despite having a sleep deprived night and worrying about your messy ‘mum-bun’…. it feels good being able to nourish our bodies. We have been through a lot from pregnancy, to giving birth and all the changes that happen when you have a baby. It’s important to give our bodies a gift for the gift it has given us….
My fave part about Nurtured Fitness would have to be BAM. I love dancing and moving my body. You don’t think about anything else but enjoying the music and stayin g present. Miss L’s fave would have to be Family Circuit, where the instructors sing nursery rhymes and move to get strong and fit. It’s amazing for development and social skills and plus, we LOVE going on a Bear Hunt

Dani & Liliana

I stumbled upon Philippa and Nurtured Fitness 3 years ago after I had my first son. I attended Philippa’s seminar on pelvic floor health and abdominal separation, and the little lesson at the end had me hooked! I’m now back with my second son and attending classes as often as I can. It’s been hands down my favorite activity to do during pregnancy and maternity leave!
I love that I can dance to some fun beats, get a great workout and have my little loves close by. Philippa & the instructors knowledge, warmth and positivity is infectious and being in a non-judgemental space as a mum is refreshing. I might have to have more kids just so I can keep coming!

Renae & son Lenox

In my day job I’m used to being busy and constantly surrounded by people, so I was surprised when I found the transition to becoming a stay at home parent a really isolating experience.

I missed exercising regularly, adult conversation and coffee. Discovering Nurtured Fitness meant I could combine all these things, and this class quickly became my favourite day of the week.

It was great to be surrounded by other mums who understood if we were having a bad day, and didn’t judge me if my baby cried or vomited during the class. For me Nurtured Fitness helped keep me fit and keep me sane. I made lifelong friends and I discovered the absolute joy and practicality of exercising with children in tow. I highly recommend giving it a go!

Aileen & daughter Holly

My journey with Nurtured Fitness has seen me finding my legs as a new mum, keeping fit thoughout my second pregnancy with the “help” of a toddler and learning how to balance life with two. Throughout it all Phillipa and Kelli have been amazingly supportive, giving me a kind word when I needed it, making me laugh and pushing me to reach my fitness goals. I think all mums will agree that bringing children into the world and raising them is one of the most challanging things we will ever do. Having a safe place to take care of you in a guilt and judgement free environment surrounded by a community of like minded women is invaluable. Nurtured Fitness is that place.

Meera & son Luca

I have enjoyed wearing all my 3 babies, but 8 years ago, when my eldest was born, it wasn’t nearly as common as it is now. And actually exercising with your baby was rarely heard of (well at least not in my circles anyway).

I feel so blessed that I found Nurtured Fitness with my last baby. Being able to exercise with my baby is brilliant, because with two older kids at school, and a FIFO husband, it is really difficult to find time to look after yourself by yourself.

I’ve been coming to weekly BAM classes for a year now, and I look forward to them each and every week. There is no judging – everyone has a messy mum bun and is completely unco – and it’s totally fine. Plus, baby Lucy loves a boogie in the carrier, and sometimes even a sleep too!

If you want to do something fun and work on your fitness, and have your baby with you, Nurtured Fitness is for you.

Kylie & daughter Lucy

I love that it puts me out of my comfort zone and my little bubba goes to sleep every single time. The instructors are always smiling and happy and making everyone laugh. It’s better than I expected from a (mums and bubs) fitness class, I’m not very coordinated and the instructors put you at ease and you don’t feel silly or anything, and you are getting some really good exercise. I love it!

Brodie & son Arlo

I have been attending these classes since 6 weeks postpartum (almost 10 months ago!). I am not a gym goer at all. I’m super uncoordinated and have no ability to dance. But I do like to keep fit and normally have a very physical job and do lots of running.
After pregnancy I was keen to feel fit again, but super anxious about attending a gym class 😅
These classes have helped me achieve my objective of feeling fit and good about my body again, plus so so much more! I’ve made friends and become a part of a lovely community of like-minded Mum’s who support each other. The super knowledgeable instructors encourage health as a whole package and really hone in on what is best for the postpartum body. The added and possibly most important bonus for me was regaining my pelvic floor! 🙌
If you are looking to do some exercise, get out of the house for a fun activity that both Mum and bub enjoy and make some new friends in a completely nonjudgmental environment, then these classes are for you!

Stephanie & daughter Matilda

Cooper and I joined the nurtured fitness family at the beginning of the year. I had never been to a gym or done group classes and the thought of navigating all of that with a baby in tow and all those post natal hormones was a little daunting.

I couldn’t have been more impressed. These ladies are committed, they are creative, they are caring and honestly fitness has never been so fun. It’s a great place to meet other mums, to get fit at your own pace and best of all the classes actually incorporate your little one.

Did I mention how committed they are, we have now moved to online classes with the new corona virus restrictions and they are more fun than I thought possible on an online platform. I think I’m working even harder in my living room than before. I cannot recommend nurtured fitness enough xo Billie and Cooper

Billie & baby Cooper

Philippa’s prenatal classes are awesome for anyone who wants to be in good health for the birth of their baby. The small group size works perfectly to ensure everyone gets one-on-one attention but without the pressure of a private class. Philippa is incredible – she knows her stuff for sure and I always felt entirely comfortable relying on her knowledge and expertise during the classes. But more than that, Philippa brings a light-hearted yet professional energy to the sessions that is engaging and motivating for maximum results with zero judgment. Thank you Philippa, I highly recommend you and your classes to all Cairns’ expectant mums.

Emma & Baby Lachlan

I was SO nervous before my first Kanga class, but Philippa made me feel at ease straight away. She is very knowledgeable, and her classes are very professional, friendly, relaxed, and feel like a very “safe” space. I love Kanga because it does not feel like a typical “workout” which is great for me who has never been a big exercising fan! The classes helped me to learn to love my new body and renewed my interest in caring for myself. I really felt like Kanga saved my sanity. I’ve been diagnosed with PND/anxiety and Kanga was actually the thing that pushed me to get help – I felt like if I could get through a set of repeaters then I would survive chatting to a psychologist (haha!). And it’s been great to feel like I’m looking after myself again – never would have bothered if it wasn’t for “homework”. Plus the playlists are just great for making me feel like me again I can’t recommend Kangatraining, or Philippa’s expertise, highly enough

Jean & Baby Amelia


6 + 2 =

Strength Training


Weight Loss


Nurtured Fitness in the Media

Nurture Natural Parenting Magazine – Published Article ‘Babywearing for Fitness‘ Winter Edition 2016

Pinky Mckay – Blog Article ‘Budging your Post Baby Bump’ May 2016 

  Pakmag – Blog Article ‘Babywearing in the Tropics’ March 2016 

  Babyology – Cadenshae Review Blog March 2016 

Chrysalis Birth Doula Group – Blog Article “The Simple Guide to Getting Fit After Birth” January 2016 

Canberra Mummy – Cadenshae Ultimate Nursing Sports Bra Review December 2015 

Little Things in Common – Blog Article “How do you exercise on holiday” September 2015 

Cairns Post – Fundraising Events for the Special Care Nursery at Cairns Hospital 2013 & 2014 

  Oxygen Magazine – ‘Future of Fitness’ Featured Athlete February 2010 

The Fit Thriving Mum Method & Corporate Wellness