
We are basically half way through January already and I don’t feel like I am back in my groove… just yet.  I love having holidays and everything just going with the flow, but now that I am home & back in the work zone, I am really craving a bit more structure in my week.

The madness is over, it’s time to FOCUS

I am not strict on my weekly routine, except for client appointments & classes, but I love having a couple of things to base my day around.  It gives me a bit more purpose and I feel like I can parent better when my head is clearer.

These are my tips for getting your week organised, achieve what you need to get done & ditching the overwhelm.

I have come to accept that I will NEVER be ontop of everything.  There is just no way, there will always be something new which is exciting or chasing my kids.  And if I had nothing to do, that would be great… for 10mins, then I would be tapping my toes in boredom.

FYI: Organised in my household will still include a few tantrums, kids wearing grubby clothes and a stash of dirty dishes waiting to be done

Brain Dump

I often get worked up in my head all the things I need to do, then freak out that I don’t have enough time.  But as soon as I write down exactly what I need to get done, I realise the list isn’t as out of control as I first perceived.  Writing everything down means your brain can switch off and you can prioritise your list and strategy.

Family Meeting

We have a bit of ‘family meeting’ (I know it sounds a bit dorky) each Sunday.  It gives us a chance to tell everyone what we have going on each week, where we need to be or what we need help with.  I am sure my 9month old is listening intently!  This means we can really help each other out & support each other.  Some regular topics include fitness, work, activities & money.

Plan your fitness

Book it in.  Make it a priority to get done each day.  This is time to invest in you own mental & physical health.  Make it a non-negotiable factor. Schedule it NOW (make sure its fun).  Don’t forget enrolments are now open for my Kangatraining & Tots classes – Join us!


Meal Plan

Dinner often turns into my one meal where I am totally indecisive and drawing no inspiration from my fridge.  I do enjoying being spontaneous if I am really craving a particular dish but we also stick to a rough meal guide which helps make our grocery list a bit easier to buy with.

If you are stuck, just write down 7-20 meals that your family regularly like to eat at dinner time.  Often the ingredients will cross over but it will might give you a bit more inspiration and remind you to cook something you haven’t made in a while.  Do you normally enjoy a lot of Asian flavours, Mexican etc  There are no rules.  What do you enjoying eating?

Weekly Planner

Put it all together.  Click here to download a copy of my weekly planner and give it a go this week.

Give me a shout out on facebook and let me know which helps feel in control of your week.

Still lost? Work with ME.  I have got a wicked Personal Coaching Program that will take you there!  I will hold your hand, nut it all out for you so you can get some control, find your groove & rocket your fitness… All WITH your family.  Click here to apply

Have an awesome week







Philippa Bowman
Pre/Postnatal Fitness Expert
Founder of Nurtured Fitness